• IRAQ: 2 killed, 2 injured in Iraq's violence - Xinhua | English.news.cn
- 2killed, 2injured in Iraq's violence (region central and eastern)
- Near Baghdad (20km away) gunmen stormed the house of an army Lieutenant and shot him dead.
• Al-Qaida in Iraq claims responsibility of dozens attacks - Xinhua | English.news.cn
- Al-Qaida in Iraq claims responsibility of dozens attacks ...
• SYRIA: Syrian troops overrun rebellious district in Aleppo - Xinhua | English.news.cn - Syrian troops overrun rebellous district in Aleppo
• http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2012-08/13/c_131781580.htm
- Syrian opposition calls for no-zone over Syria. -
• Rebels claim to down Syrian warplane | Al Akhbar English
- Rebels claim to down Syria warplane.
• 21 UN observer (chief says incessant clashes inside heavy losses an civilian) leave Syria. -
• Syria welcome out of Iran conference (OIC) . -
• President Assad speacial envoy to visit China. -
• Fighter jet crashes in eastern region due to "technical glitch". -
• Syrian troops overrun rebellious district in Aleppo. -
• YEMEN: Yemeni al-Qaida refuses to free kidnapped Saudi diplomat without ransom - Xinhua | English.news.cn -
- Yemen: Yemeni al-Qaida refuses to free kidnapped Saudi diplomat in the restive south and demanded a ransom of 20 million US dollars.
• ISRAEL: Israeli attack on Iran could cause more damage than benefits: NATO official - Xinhua | English.news.cn -
Israeli attack on Iran could cause more demage than benefits. NATO official.
• Ex-Israeli spy chief says Lebanon, Gaza will suffer in Iran war | Al Akhbar English -
Ex-Israeli former spy chief says today Israel may destroy whole areas of Lebanon, Gaza will if war breaks out with Iran.
• http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2012-08/13/c_123573708.htm -
New bill calls to devide prayer times for Jews, Muslims the holy site.
Israeli rights group urges to reexamine police misconduct in East Jerusalem. -
• TURKEY: 2killed in training plane crash in region northwestern
PKK admits to kidnapping CHP deputy in eastern Turkey - Xinhua | English.news.cn - ..admits to kidnapping CHP deputy in eastern Turkey.
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