Source: Rehmat's World ( )
Abraham Foxman, head of pro-Israel Jewish lobby group. the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has criticized UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon’s decision to address the 16th Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) summit in Tehran (August 26-31); as an act of “anti-Israel, anti-American and anti-Semitism“. Hillary Clinton’s Zionist Jew spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters on August 20, that Iran doesn’t have the right to host NAM summit. “So we frankly don’t think that Iran is deserving of these high-level presences that are going there,” she said. She also, criticized Egyptian president Dr. Mohamed Mursi’s decision to attend the NAM meeting in Tehran. Over 100 members countries of NAM have confirmed to attend the summit. Over 51 Presidents, Vice-presidents and Prime Ministers would be representing their countries. The notable guests will include Dr. Mohamed Morsi (Egypt), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Kim Jong-Nam (N. Korea), Evo Morales (Bolivia), Asif Ali Zardari (Pakistan), Jalal Talibani (Iraq), Omar al-Bashir (Sudan), Manmohan Singh (India), Emirs of Kuwait and Qatar, Hamid Karzai (US Occupied Afghanistan), Abdullah Gul (Turkey), Michel Sleiman (Lebanon), Elham Aliyev (Azerbaijan), Mahmoud Abbas (PA) and Raul Castro (Cuba). Iran will assume the rotating presidency of the NAM for the next three years.
Both the US and Israel has resented the decisions of Morsi and Abbas to attend the meeting. Israel’s foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in a letter to the Mideast Quartet –the grouping of the US, Russia, the EU and the UN that guides the Middle East peace process –has called the removal of PA president Mahmoud Abbas, a double agent. He called Abbas “an obstacle to peace.” Abbas’ term as PA president expired in January 2009, but has been kept in that position by US-Israel-EU to stop Hamas taking over that position too. Israeli daily the Jerusalem Post reported on August 19 that “Israel is working through its embassies abroad and through direct conversations with various leaders to persuade other NAM countries – some of which have good ties with Israel –to either boycott the meeting or send only low-level representation to send a strong message to Iran of an abhorrence of its policies (toward the Zionist regime)“. Daniel Mariaschin, executive vice president of B’nai B’rith International, a Jewish supremacist organization, said he fears that Iranian presidency of NAM during the next three years –will boost delegitimation of Israel. In response to US-Israel blackmailing, Mohammad Kosari, member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy –has called Dr. Mursi’ visit to Iran as Zionist entity’s great failure. “Americans attempted to prevent Mr. Mursi’s visit to Iran, but the Egyptian president will visit Iran, which is interpreted as failure for the US“, while stressing: “The Zionist regime and the US plots can only be materialized through difference and discord among Muslim states“. Egyptian ambassador to the United Nations, Lebanese-born Mootaz Ahmadein Khalil, in an interview with China daily Xinhua, said that Ki-moon’s decision to attend the NAM summit in Iran has nothing to do with the illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic. He hoped Iran, who will take over NAM’s rotating presidency from Egypt, will address the priorities of the movement and have a successful presidency that will reflect interests of all NAM member countries. Khalil called US claim ‘absurd’ –that the summit will boost Iran’s image among the world community.
y. He stressed that hosting of summit is the responsibility of the country which receives the rotating presidency of NAM and will not bring direct benefits to the country’s international relations. Canadian Jewish journalist and blogger, Eric Walberg, posted on his blog on August 22, 2012. “Egypt’s rapprochement with Iran is long overdue, held in check by the Mubarak regime’s toadying to the US and Israel. One of the first ships to go through the Suez Canal after the revolution last year, long before the MB came to power through its Freedom and Justice Party, was an Iranian warship. Even under Mubarak, the pressure to normalize relations was mounting, with trade increasing and normalization of relations between EgyptAir and IranAir. Full diplomatic relations are only a matter of months.”
Egypt along with India, Ghana, Indonesia and former Yugoslavia –were the founding members of NAM which was established at the height of the Cold War, in 1961 –to bring together nations that consider themselves independent of the world’s major power blocs. The organisation counts a total 119 countries plus the Palestinian Authority and 21 observer countries.
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