Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013

Contradicting Himself, Showing Hypocrisy, Erdogan Accuses Protestors with Destabilizing Turkey

Source : Strategic-Culture.org

Describing the demonstrators against his autocracy as 'saboteurs', Turkish Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan contradicted himself and showed hypocrisy and double standard as he considered the demonstrations as an internal and external conspiracy.

In a joint press conference with his Moroccan counterpart Abdullah bin Kiran, Erdogan said that he continues supporting what he has called " the popular movement in Syria" when the reality on the ground proves that there are armed terrorist takfiri groups in Syria backed and financed by his government, the Western and Gulf countries.

Erdogan repeated his allegations on the suppression and killing in Syria to evade his direct responsibilities of supporting terrorism in it which makes him a forthright partner in the crime of killing the Syrians.

Erdogan keeps on claiming that he urges all sides to be moderate, find a solution to the crisis and to utilize the international conference scheduled to be held on Syria.

Ten thousands of Turkish flocked into streets in Istanbul, Ankara and other cities for the 4th successive day demanding Erdogan to resign, while the security forces used the tear gas to disperse them.

Erdogan alleged that security was restored in Turkey, noting that "it will return to normal within a few days. "

Erdogan claimed that the situation in Syria continues to be worst, considering that the armed terrorist groups which are supported by his government retreated on the ground due to the continued strikes of the Syrian army.

Mass popular demonstrations broke out peacefully in protest against Erdogan's authoritarian and exclusionary government , as the Turkish security forces suppressed them violently and fired tear gas against the demonstrators, killing a number of them, injuring hundreds and arresting thousands others.


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