Montag, 11. März 2013

Israel Cuts Water off Prisoners, Bans Family Visits

Source : WAFA

RAMALLAH, March 10, 2013 (WAFA) – Majeddo Israeli prisons administration Sunday cut water off prisoners and banned family visits after they returned meals in solidarity with hunger-striking prisoners .

PPC laywer told WAFA that a prisoner informed him during a visit to the prison that “the situation is still tense ever since the death of prisoner Arafat Jaradat.”

Arafat Jaradat is a prisoner who was killed due to severe torture during interrogation in an Israeli detention center.

He added that they are demanding serious actions from the world to change the condition inside Israeli jails and prisons.

Moreover, Palestinian prisoners in Eshel prison held a one-day strike by returning meals, in protest of sending a number of them to solitary confinement.

Eshel prisoners complained that the prisons’ administration is deliberately neglecting medical cases of sick prisoners and is not providing them with any health care. They demanded practical steps to end their suffering.

They said they will adopt further steps in the upcoming days if the prisons’ administration continues to overlook their demands.


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